KingGen is a random world generator for the survival horror crafting game 7 Days to Die. It is an alternative to the game's built-in random world generation (RWG) and Nitrogen World Map Generator. Using KingGen, players can create customizable random worlds for their 7D2D server (which you can host with indifferent broccoli). The tool was released March 31, 2021 by 7D2D community member KingSlayerGM.
Users have the option to configure the following map parameters:
World name: The name of the folder and the name you will see in 7 Days to Die.
World size: The size options are 4K, 8K, and 16K. Each map is a square with the dimensions 4096x4096, 8192x8192, and 16384x16384, respectively. The map areas are 16Km2, 64Km2, 256Km2.
World seed: The seed determines how the map is randomly generated.
Points of Interest (POI) placement
City, town, and village generation
Landscape generation (e.g. biomes, mountains, and terrain)
To upload your newly generated map to your server, you'll need access to your server's file system.
1. Create a "GeneratedWorlds" folder on this path: /.local/share/7DaysToDie/GeneratedWorlds
2. Upload your generated map folder (E.g. MyKingGenMap) to the server's GeneratedWorlds folder. It will look like this: /.local/share/7DaysToDie/GeneratedWorlds/MyKingGenMap
3. Set your GameWorld value to the name of your uploaded folder (E.g. GameWorld=MyKingGenMap). This is located in your serverconfig.xml file. If you have an Indifferent Broccoli 7 Days to Die server, you can set this in the Game Server Settings of your web control panel.
POIs names are case insensitive to detect trader, oldwest and wasteland POIs
Added default hubs to POIs list. Users can now change the default generation of cities, towns and villages
Improved description inside POIs list
Improved error messages related to POIs list
POI prioritization: POIs that have never been placed are more likely to be placed next, POIs that have already been placed a lot, are less likely to be placed again
Changed POI's required and unique into min and max, which give more advanced control over the placement
Added min and max to hubs as well
Improved legend in preview
Added stats file to the world and to the preview. Stats contain how many times each hub and each POI have been placed
Added search bar to preview. You can now search individual POIs by name and see where they are located
Improved POIs mode. POIs are now in the center of the map and the spawn point is always at 0,0.