Abiotic Factor comes with some settings that you can use to make the game a bit easier, harder, or just customize and tweak little settings to your preferences. Here's how you can edit your settings and what each setting does. To play with your friends, check out indifferent broccoli's options, starting at just $8.99/mo for a 4 player server.
1. Open the Advanced Server Settings (SandboxSettings.ini) tab
2. From here, you can change each setting value to your liking.
All Server Settings
Setting | Description |
LootRespawnEnabled | If true, resources will randomly spawn around the Facility |
PowerSocketsOffAtNight | If true, the power is the Facility is shut off at night including power sockets. |
DayNightCycleState | 0 - Normal. 1 = Always Day. 2 = Always Night |
DayNightCycleSpeedMultiplier | Multiplier for the speed of days and nights. Higher value means a faster cycle. |
SinkRefillRate | Sets how fast sinks refill, sinks offer drinking water to players. Higher value means sinks refill faster. |
FoodSpoilSpeedMultiplier | How fast food spoils. Higher value means food spoilers faster. |
RefrigerationEffectivenessMultiplier | Determines how effective refrigerates are. Higher value the longer fridges can keep food unspoiled. |
EnemySpawnRate | How frequently enemies spawn. Higher value means enemies spawn more frequently. |
EnemyHealthMultiplier | How much health enemies have. Higher value means enemies have more health. |
EnemyPlayerDamageMultiplier | How much damage enemies do. Higher value means enemies do more damage to the player. |
EnemyDeployableDamageMultiplier | How much damage enemies do to deployables. The higher value the more damage. |
DamageToAlliesMultiplier | How much damage is done in PvP. Higher value means more damage. |
HungerSpeedMultiplier | How fast hunger increases. Higher value means hunger increases faster. |
ThirstSpeedMultiplier | How fast thirst increases. Higher value means thirst increases faster. |
FatigueSpeedMultiplier | How fast fatigue increases. Higher value means fatigue increases faster. |
ContinenceSpeedMultiplier | How fast Continence drains. Higher value means it will drain faster. |
DetectionSpeedMultiplier | How fast enemies detect players. Higher value means they will detect you faster. |
PlayerXPGainMultiplier | How fast XP is gained. Higher value means more XP. |
ItemStackSizeMultiplier | How many times you can stack items in an inventory slot. Higher value means more items per slot. |
ItemWeightMultiplier | How heavy items are in your inventory. Higher value means items are heavier. |
ItemDurabilityMultiplier | How much durability items have. Higher value means items have more durability. |
DurabilityLossOnDeathMultiplier | How much durability is lost on weapons and tools upon death. Higher value means more durability is lost. |
ShowDeathMessages | If false, players won't be notified when killed by something. |
AllowRecipeSharing | If false, this will disable players from sharing item recipes with other players. |
AllowPagers | If false, pagers will not be useable via inventory or emote wheel |
AllowTransmog | If false, players will be unable to transmogrify their armor to look like other pieces of armor using a certain piece of base equipment. |
DisableResearchMinigame | If true, this will remove the Research Minigames when unlocking new recipes and simply unlock the recipe right away. |
DeathPenalties | 0 = Keep All Items. 1 = Keep Equipped Items & Hotbar. 2 = Keep Hotbar Only. 3 = Keep Equipped Items Only. 4 = Lose All Items Including Hotbar. 5 = All Items are Destroyed. |
GlobalRecipeUnlocks | When true, all players will share the same recipe list instead of unlocking recipes individually. |
FirstTimeStartingWeapon | When spawning into the world for the first time, this is the weapon players will receive. 0 = None. 1 = Shiv. 2 = Desk Leg. 3 = Kitchen Knife. 4 = Starter Baton. 5 = Pipe Club. 6 = Random. |