Factorio offers a large variety of admin and client commands that allow you to view information and manipulate the game to your liking without needing to edit world settings.
If you want access to all of these commands, make sure you are an admin. All of these commands will work on your Indifferent Broccoli Factorio Server.
All Console Commands
Command | Description |
/alerts <enable/disable/mute/unmute> <alert> | Enables, disables, mutes, or unmutes the given alert type. |
/clear | Clears the console. |
/color <color> | Changes your color. |
/evolution | Prints info about the alien evolution factor. |
/help | Prints a list of available commands. |
/mute-programmable-speaker | Mutes or unmutes the global sounds created by the Programmable Speaker. Use “local” to mute just the local client. Admins can use “everyone” to mute the sounds for everyone on the server. |
/perf-avg-frames | Number of ticks/updates used to average performance counters. Default is 100. Value of 5-10 is recommended for fast convergence, but numbers will jitter more rapidly. |
/permissions | Opens the permissions GUI. |
/reset-tips | Resets the state of the tips and tricks as if the game was just started for the first time. |
/screenshot | Takes a screenshot with the GUI hidden, centered on the player. |
/seed | Prints the starting map seed. |
/time | Prints info about how old the map is. |
/toggle-action-logging | Toggles logging all input actions performed by the game. This value isn’t persisted between game restarts and only affects your local game in multiplayer sessions. |
/toggle-heavy-mode | Used to investigate desyncs. Will slow down the game and make multiplayer unplayable. |
/unlock-shortcut-bar | Unlocks all shortcut bar items, including blueprint string import, copy & paste, deconstruction and upgrade planner. |
/unlock-tips | Unlocks all tips and tricks entries. |
/version | Prints the current game version. |
/admin | Opens the player management GUI. |
/admins | Prints a list of game admins. |
/ban <player> <reason> | Bans the specified player. |
/bans | Prints a list of banned players. |
/banlist <add/remove/get/clear> <player> | Adds or removes a player from the banlist. Same as /ban or /unban. |
/config | Opens the server configuration GUI. |
/config <get/set> <option> <value> | Gets or sets specified multiplayer settings. |
/delete-blueprint-library <player> | Deletes the blueprint library storage for the given offline player from the save file. Enter “everybody confirm” to delete the storage of all offline players. |
/demote <player> | Demotes the player from admin. |
/ignore <player> | Prevents the chat from showing messages from this player. Admin messages are still shown. |
/kick <player> <reason> | Kicks the specified player. |
/mute <player> | Prevents the player from saying anything in chat. |
/open <player> | Opens another player’s inventory. |
/players [online/o/count/c] | Prints a list of players in the game. (parameter online/o, it prints only players that are online, count/c prints only count) |
/promote <player> | Promotes the player to admin. |
/purge <player> | Clears all the messages from this player from the chat log. |
/reply <message> | Replies to the last player that whispered to you. |
/server-save | Saves the game on the server in a multiplayer game. |
/shout <message> | Sends a message to all players including other forces. |
/swap-players <player> [player] | Swaps your character with the given player’s character, or if two players are given swaps the two player characters. |
/unban <player> | Unbans the specified player. |
/unignore <player> | Allows the chat to show messages from this player. |
/unmute <player> | Allows the player to talk in chat again. |
/whisper <player> <message> | Sends a message to the specified player. |
/whitelist <add/remove/get/clear> [player] | Adds or removes a player from the whitelist, where only whitelisted players can join the game. Enter nothing for “player” when using “get” to print a list of all whitelisted players. An empty whitelist disables the whitelist functionality allowing anyone to join. |
/cheat [all/<planet-name>/<platform-name>/off] | Researches all technologies and enables cheat mode (allowing free crafting of any item). |
/command <command> | Executes a Lua command (if allowed). |
/editor | Toggles the map editor. |