If you're running a Minecraft server with many players or a big modpack, you'll want to increase the ram. Ram is temporary storage, the more there is, the more Minecraft can store and have more content loaded, which results in a much smoother experience.
Make sure to check how much ram your computer has, and not to allocate anything over around 4GB remaining so the operating system can still run in the background. What this means is that if you have 16GB ram, it's a good idea to not allocate any more than 12GB ram.
1. Open the folder where your minecraft_server.jar
file is. If you're using Forge or Fabric, the file will be named accordingly. This file is usually what you use to start the server.
2. Right click in this directory and create a new text file, remove the .txt
extension, and name it start_server.bat
3. Right click and edit the file with notepad. Paste in the following: (replace server.jar with the name of your server jar)
java -Xmx8G -Xms8G -jar server.jar nogui
This will allocate 8GB ram to the server, you can change the number to any amount of ram you want to allocate.
To start the server, double click the new bat file you created and it will launch with the ram allocated.
1. Open the Billing tab
2. On your Minecraft subscription, click Change Sub Size
3. Select a different plan for your server. Once selected, that's it.