Palworld has a multitude of settings you can change to modify the difficulty and world settings on your server. It's easy to change these with indifferent broccoli and you can do so with these simple steps.
You can now edit the settings in the Basic Server Settings.
All Server Settings:
Setting | Default | Description | Values | Status |
Difficulty | None | Game Difficulty Level | Does not work on Dedicated Servers | |
DayTimeSpeedRate | 1 | Day time speed | Increase value for shorter day | |
NightTimeSpeedRate | 1 | Night time speed, increased for a short night. | Increase value for shorter night | |
ExpRate | 1 | Experience Multiplier | 1-20 | |
PalCaptureRate | 1 | Pal Capture Rate | Higher value for easier catch | |
PalSpawnNumRate | 1 | Pal Spawn Rate | High value more more spawns | Values above 2 can break dungeon bosses |
PalDamageRateAttack | 1 | Damage from Pals | Higher value for higher attack | |
PalDamageRateDefense | 1 | Damage to Pals | Higher value for less defense | |
PlayerDamageRateAttack | 1 | Damage from players | Higher value for higher attack | |
PlayerDamageRateDefense | 1 | Damage to players | Higher value for more defense | |
PlayerStomachDecreaseRate | 1 | Player hunger depletion rate | Higher value for faster decrease | |
PlayerStaminaDecreaseRate | 1 | Player stamina depletion rate | Higher value for faster decrease | |
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRate | 1 | Player HP regen rate | Higher value for faster regen | |
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep | 1 | Player HP regen rate during sleep | Higher value for faster regen | |
PalStomachDecreaseRate | 1 | Pal hunger depletion rate | Higher value for faster decrease | |
PalStaminaDecreaseRate | 1 | Pal stamina depletion rate | Higher value for faster decrease | |
PalAutoHpRegeneRate | 1 | Pal HP regen rate | Higher value for faster regen | |
PalAutoHpRegenRateInSleep | 1 | Pal HP regen rate during sleep | Higher value for faster regen | |
BuildObjectDamageRate | 1 | Structure Damage Multiplier | Higher value for more damage to structures | |
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate | 1 | Structure Deterioration rate | Higher value for faster structure decay | |
CollectionDropRate | 1 | Rocks/Wood/Ore drop rate | Higher value for more drops | |
CollectionObjectHpRate | 1 | Rocks/Wood/Ore HP rate | Higher value for higher hp to drops | |
CollectionObjectRepspawnSpeedRate | 1 | Rocks/Wood/Ore respawn rate | High value for lower respawn rate | |
EnemyDropItemRate | 1 | Enemy item drop rate | Higher value for more drops | |
DeathPenalty | All | Item loss on death | None: Nothing is lost Item: Lose items, keep equipment ItemAndEquipment: Lose all items and Equipment All: Lose all items, equipment, pals(in inventory) |
bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage | False | Toggle PVP | True, False | Does not work |
bnEnableFriendlyFire | False | Toggles friendly fire within a guild | True, False | Does not work |
bEnableInvaderEnemy | True | Toggles raids | True, False | |
bActiveUNKO | False | Toggles Unidentified Nocturnal Knock-off | True, False | Does not work |
bEnableAimAssistPad | True | Toggles aim assist for controllers | True, False | Unknown if works |
bEnableAimAssistKeyboard | False | Toggles aim assist for keyboards | True, False | Unknown if works |
DropItemMaxNum | 3000 | Sets maximum number of dropped items | Numbers | |
DropItemMaxNum_UNKO | 100 | Sets the maximum number of dropped UNKO items | Numbers | Does not work |
BaseCampMaxNum | 128 | Sets the maximum number of base camps that can be built | Numbers | |
BaseCampWorkerMaxNum | 15 | Sets the maximum number of workers in max level base camp | Numbers | |
DropItemAliveMaxHours | 1 | Sets the maximum time items remain after being dropped | Numbers | |
bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers | False | Automatically resets guilds with no online players | True, False | |
AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers | 72 | Sets the time after guilds with no online players are reset | Numbers | |
GuildPlayerMaxNum | 20 | Guild player capacity | Numbers | |
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime | 72 | Time to hatch a huge egg | Numbers (hours) | |
WorkSpeedRate | 1 | Adjusts the work speed for Pals and Players | Higher number for faster rate | |
blsMultiplay | False | Toggles multiplayer mode | True, False | Does not work on dedicated servers |
blsPvP | False | Toggles PvP | True, False | Does not work on dedicated servers |
bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop | False | Toggles the pickup of other guild members' items upon death | True, False | |
bEnableNonLoginPenalty | True | When offline for a long time, Pals get depressed | True, False | Unknown if works |
bEnableFastTravel | True | Toggles Fast Travel | True, False | |
bIsStartLocationSelectByMap | True | Toggles the selection of starting locations | True, False | |
bExistPlayerAfterLogout | False | Toggles the existence of players after logout | True, False | Unknown if works |
bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayer | False | Toggles the defense of other guild players | True, False | Does not work |