With console commands, administrators gain the capability to oversee and optimize their Rust server, whether that be in the server or via RCON.
Command | Description |
admin.mutevoice "player" | Prevents specified player from speaking in game. Works only in RCON |
admin.unmutevoice "player" | Allows specified player to speak in game. Works only in RCON. |
admin.mutechat "player" | Prevent specified player from sending messages in game. Works only in RCON. |
admin.unmutechat "player" | Allows specified player to send messages in game. Works only in RCON. |
chat.say "text" | Messages the specified message in the chat |
craft.add [id] | Adds the item to your crafting queue |
craft.cancel [id] | Cancels an item in your crafting queue |
craft.canceltask | Cancels the item in your crafting queue |
debugcamera | |
entity.debug_lookat | Enable debugging for the entity in your crosshair |
entity.find_entity [entity] | Find the position of all specific entities |
entity.find_group [entity_group] | Find the position of all entity groups |
entity.find_id [id] | Find the position of a specific entity |
entity.find_parent | Find the position of all parent entities |
entity.find_radius [radius] | Find the position of all entities in the given radius |
entity.find_self | Find the position of the player entity |
entity.find_status [status] | Find an entity with the given status |
entity.spawn [entity] | Spawn an entity where you're looking |
entity.spawnat [entity] [worldPos] | Spawn an entity at the specified location |
entity.spawnhere [entity] [distance] | Spawn an entity a distance away from the player |
entity.spawnitem [entity] | Spawn an item |
env.addtime 0-24 | Fast forward by a specific number of hours |
gc.collect | Collects garbage dump |
global.ban "player" "reason" | Ban a player |
global.banid "player" "reason" | Ban a player with Steam ID |
global.banlist | Gives a list of all banned players |
global.banlistex | Gives a list of all banned players with reasons added |
global.kick "player" | Kicks specified player from the server |
global.kickall "reason" | Kicks all players from the server |
global.listid | Displays all banned user IDs |
global.moderatorid "id" | Makes specified player a moderator |
global.ownerid "id" | Make a player server owner |
global.players | Lists currently connected players |
global.quit() | Leaves the game |
global.removemoderator "id" | Removes specified moderator |
global.removeowner "id" | Removes specified owner |
global.restart | Restarts the server with a 300 seconds warning at 5 second intervals |
global.say "text" | Sends specified message to all players on the server |
global.status | Lists all connected players and server statistics |
global.unban "id" | Unbans specified player |
global.users() | Shows user info for all connected players |
kill | Kills your player |
noclip | Allows you to clip through walls |
server.backup | Backs up the server folder |
server.readcfg | Loads the server config |
server.save | Saves the server on command |
server.start | Starts the server |
server.stop | Stops the server |
server.writecfg | Saves all config changes |