Adding a whitelist is important if you're hosting a private server. By having a whitelist, you can still maintain privacy on your server without having to type in a password every time.
1. Open the File Manager
2. Navigate to /garrysmod/lua/autorun/server/
3. Right click and create a new file called allowedplayers.lua
4. Right click the file and click Edit
5. Enter the following code into the file:
local allowed = {
['STEAMID1'] = true,
['STEAMID2'] = true
hook.Add('CheckPassword', 'AllowList', function (sid64)
if not allowed[sid64] then return false, 'You are not whitelisted.' end
6. Replace STEAMID1
with the Steam IDs of players you would like whitelisted.
7. Save the file and Restart the server