Pregenerating chunks on your Minecraft server allows you to load your world more efficiently when playing by loading all of the chunks before you play on your server. This way when you and your friends want to set out on a huge adventure or fly quickly across the world, you won't need to wait for chunks to load.
1. Install Chunk-Pregenerator as a mod on your server. Chunk-Pregenerator currently works with Forge and NeoForge.
2. Once you have installed the mod, login to your server.
3. To run the chunk generator, run the following command: /pregen start gen radius IndifferentPregen SQUARE 0 0 50
4. This will start a simple pregen. You can view the progress in the top left corner after running the command.
5. You can change the end of the command from 50 to more if you wish to generate a larger radius. If you wish to run more advanced commands and try out the different features of the mod, you can use Chunk-Pregenerator's official wiki to explore them.
Note: Larger radius' may slow down the server during pregeneration. We recommend running this before starting to play on the server.
Check out the servers at indifferent broccoli, where you can pregenerate your chunks and enjoy smooth, no lag gameplay with your friends.