Simple Backups is a mod that allows you to easily backup your Minecraft world and configure how many backups are created at any given time. You can also make manual backups with just a simple command. Simple Backups is available for both Forge and NeoForge mod loaders. Here's how to configure and use Simple Backups for your server.
1. Install the mod like any other Forge/NeoForge mod.
2. Once you have installed the mod and restarted your server, open the File Manager
3. Navigate to /minecraft/config/
then right click simplebackups-common.toml
and click Edit.
4. Here you can modify settings that customize how often you server backs up as well as the amount of storage to use.
5. Backups will be stored in /minecraft/simplebackups/
If you are looking for a backup mod similar to Simple Backups for Fabric, check out Textile Backup.