This is a comprehensive list of all V Rising server settings that you can apply to your server. To learn how to change these settings on your indifferent broccoli V Rising server, see our guide here
Setting | Description | Values |
GameDifficulty | Changes the difficulty of the game | 0 - Relaxed 1 - Normal 2 - Brutal |
GameModeType | Changes between PvE and PvP | 0 - PvE 1 - PvP |
CastleDamageMode | Deny or allow damage to enemy castles | Never Always TimeRestricted |
SiegeWeaponHealth | Changes siege golem health | VeryLow - 750HP Low - 1000HP Normal - 1250HP High - 1750HP VeryHigh - 7500HP |
PlayerDamageMode | Allow damage to enemy players always or time restricted. Only works in PvP. | Always TimeRestricted |
CastleHeartDamageMode | Changes when and who can destroy castle hearts, can still be destroyed when out of blood essence. | CanBeDestroyedOnlyWhenDecaying CanBeDestroyedByPlayers CanBeSeizedOrDestroyedByPlayers |
PvPProtectionMode | Protects you in PvP for a certain amount of time | Disabled - No protection VeryShort - 900 seconds Short - 1800 seconds Medium - 3600 seconds Long - 7200 seconds |
DeathContainerPermission | Change who can access your dropped loot after death | Anyone ClanMembers OnlySelf |
RelicSpawnType | Change shard drops from end game bosses | Unique - One Shard per Type Plentiful - No shard limit |
CanLootEnemyContainers | Change if players can or cannot loot enemy containers | True False |
BloodBoundEquipment | Toggles keep inventory after death | True False |
TeleportBoundItems | Changes whether or not items will prevent you from using waygates | True False |
BatBoundItems | Changes whether or not items will prevent you from using batform | True False |
AllowGlobalChat | Toggles global chat | True False |
AllWaypointsUnlocked | Toggles all waygates on the world map | True False |
FreeCastleRaid | Raiding an enemy player castle heart does not require materials | True False |
FreeCastleClaim | Seizing an enemy player castle heart does not require materials | True False |
FreeCastleDestroy | Destroying an enemy player castle heart does not require materials | True False |
InactivityKillEnabled | Inactive players will be killed after a certain amount of time | True False |
StartingProgressionLevel | All quests below this number will be unlocked for players | Number |
DisableDisconnectedDeadEnabled | If dead disconnected players are disabled | True False |
DisconnectedSunImmunityTime | If disconnected, you are immune to the sun for this amount of seconds | Number |
InventoryStacksModifier | Multiplies the max quantity an item stack can have. | 0.25-5.0 |
DropTableModifier_General | Multiplies the amount of loot dropped from enemies, barrels, boxes, chests | 0.25-5.0 |
DropTableModifier_Missions | Multiplies the loot from servant hunts | 0.25-5.0 |
MaterialYieldModifier_Global | Multiplies the materials received from harvesting resource nodes. | 0.25-5.0 |
BloodEssenceYieldModifier | Multiplies the amount of blood essence received from defeating enemies. | 0.25-5.0 |
PvPVampireRespawnModifier | Multiplies the respawn duration players suffer after being killed | 0-5 |
CastleMinimumDistanceInFloors | Determines the minimum distance between castles, measured in floor squares | 1-10 |
ClanSize | The number of players that can join a clan | 1-20 |
BloodDrainModifier | The rate at which players lose blood | 0-5 |
DurabilityDrainModifier | How quickly armor and weapons will lose durability | 0-5 |
GarlicAreaStrengthModifier | The rate of how quickly garlic stacks when exposed | 0-5 |
HolyAreaStrengthModifier | Multiplies the effect of Holy element | 0-5 |
SilverStrengthModifier | Affects the damage received when carrying silver | 0-5 |
SunDamageModifier | Affects how long a player can stand in the sun before taking damage | 0-5 |
CastleDecayRateModifier | Rate for how quickly a castle deteriorates when the castle runs out of blood essence. | 0-5 |
CastleBloodEssenceDrainModifier | Rate for how quickly castles consume blood essence | 0.1-5 |
CastleSiegeTimer | Breach timer, you cannot construct new structures or walls, structures can be damaged | 1-1800 |
CastleUnderAttackTimer | Duration for enemy players that deal damage to heart, use explosives or siege golems | 1-80 |
CastleRaidTimer | The duration of a castle raid | 0-3600 |
CastleRaidProtectionTime | The cooldown for castle raids | 0-86400 |
CastleExposedFreeClaimTimer | The duration of a castle exposed to be claim | Number |
CastleRelocationCooldown | Modify the cooldown 0-48 hours | 0-172800 |
CastleRelocationEnabled | Allows castle relocation or not | True False |
AnnounceSiegeWeaponSpawn | Shows a chat message when a siege golem is being spawned | True False |
ShowSiegeWeaponMapIcon | Shows icons of siege golems on the map | True False |
BuildCostModifier | Multiplies the amount of materials to build structures | 0-10 |
RecipeCostModifier | Multiplies the cost of crafting items | 0-10 |
CraftRateModifier | The rate at which you can craft items and equipment | 0.1-10 |
RefinementCostModifier | Multiplies the cost of refining items | 0.1-10 |
RefinementRateModifier | The rate at which you can refine materials | 0.1-10 |
DismantleResourceModifier | The material reimbursement players receive from dismantling a structure | 0-1 |
ServantConvertRateModifier | Rate for how quickly humans turn into servants | 1-20 |
RepairCostModifier | Adjusts how much resources it takes to repair. | 1-20 |
Death_DurabilityFactorLoss | Damages armor and weapon durability upon death | 0-1 |
Death_DurabilityLossFactorAsResources | Lose all materials upon death | 0- Lose all materials 1 - Drop loot in container |
GameTimeModifier Settings
Setting | Description | Values |
DayDurationInSeconds | The duration on the ingame day in seconds | 60-86400 |
DayStartHour | The starting hour of an ingame day | 0-25 |
DayStartMinute | The starting minute of an ingame day | 0-60 |
DayEndHour | The end hour of the ingame day | 0-24 |
DayEndMinute | The end minute of an ingame day | 0-60 |
BloodMoonFrequency_Min | The minimum frequence a bloodmoon will occur | 1-255 |
BloodMoonFrequency_Max | The maximum frequence a bloodmoon will occur | 1-255 |
BloodMoonBuff | The amount of additional movement speed in % that a player gains during a blood moon | 0.1-1 |
Vampire Stat Modifiers
Setting | Description | Values |
MaxHealthModifer | Multiplies the maximum amount of health | 0.1-5 |
PhysicalPowerModifier | Multiplies physical power which effects damage based on weapon attacks and skills | 0.1-5 |
SpellPowerModifier | Multiplies spell power which effects the amount of damage and healing out | 0.1-5 |
ResourcePowerModifier | Multiplies the damage done to resource objects | 0.1-5 |
SiegePowerModifier | Unused | |
DamageReceivedModifier | Multiplies any damage being received | 0.1-5 |
ReviveCancelDelay | Do not change |
UnitStatModifiers: Global & VBlood
Setting | Description | Values |
MaxHeathModifier | Multiples the amount of health | 0.1-5 |
PowerModifier | Multiplies the damage output | 0.1-5 |
Setting | Description | Values |
MaxHealthModifier | Multiplies max health | .25-3 |
ResourceYieldModifier | Multiples the materials received from harvesting resources | .25-3 |
PhysicalPowerModifier | Multiplies the power which effects the damage on weapon attacks and skills | .25-3 |
SpellPowerModifier | Multiplies spell power which effects spell damage and healing | .25-3 |
SiegePowerModifier | Unused | |
MovementSpeedModifier | Multiplies the amount of movement speed. | .25-3 |